Nutritional counseling
Do you suffer from overweight or obesity, metabolic diseases such as diabetes, diseases of the digestive system, food intolerances or allergies, cardiovascular diseases or malnutrition? All cases for our nutritionist!
Bioresonance therapy
Would you like to have your intolerances or allergies that have existed since childhood successfully treated with a gentle method? Do you want to quit smoking or get rid of your warts? Bioresonance helps here and without side effects!
Phytotherapy deals with the prevention and treatment
and treatment of health disorders and and diseases by means of herbal remedies. It connects the millennia-old Experience traditional Herbal Medicine with the results modern Medicineplant research.
Orthomolecular medicine
Orthomolecular medicine maintains health and treats diseases through Change in the concentration of substances in the human body, which are normally found in the body and are necessary for good health.derlich are (Prof. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Laureate).
Bach Flower Therapy
Bach Flower Therapy is an alternative medical procedure founded in the 1930s by the British physician Edward Bach (1886-1936) and named after him. According to Bach's central thesis, every physical illness is based on a mental imbalance. He saw the cause of this disturbance in a conflict between the immortal soul and the personality, and a cure can only be brought about by harmonization on this spiritual-emotional level.
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