Welcome to the Gesundheitspunkt

Your health is our top priority

Opening Hours / Phone hours:
08:00 - 11:30 / 13:30 - 17:00
08:00 - 11:30 / 14:40 - 17:00
08:00 - 11:30 / 13:30 - 17:00
08:00 - 11:30 / 13:30 - 17:00
08:00 - 11:30 / 13:30 - 17:00
08:00 - 10:00
Evening Tue + Thu
17:30 - 19:00

Mission, vision and values of the Gesundheitspunkt

Emil Schalch and Joachim Henggeler, Founders

"The Gesundheitspunkt is committed to excellence and quality by providing efficient and effective services that improve patient health and quality of life while promoting a positive patient experience. We respect and support the concept of holistic care, encourage active patient participation and use evidence-based guidelines. Our team-based care considers patient needs and preferences, provides flexibility and coordinates care. We attract and retain high-caliber staff to build trusting relationships with our patients. We review the fulfillment of our commitment through continuous improvement and share the results of our improvement efforts with our team, our patients and the public."

Our patient numbers 2023

Patient statistics till Nov 23

All Patients
New Patients
Doctor's Appointment
Home visits
Doctor contacts by phone/e-mail

Comprehensive primary care for adults and children of all ages

Located in Oberägeri at Hauptstrasse 42 in the former Raiffeisen building, the Gesundheitspunkt is a state-of-the-art health center. We strive to provide you with comprehensive family medicine according to the most current integrated concepts.

Why a new homepage?

We have a lot to tell you. The new homepage allows this to happen almost in real time. Look for the red "notes" announcing important deviations from our normal procedures.
New options allow you to select and book appointments or order your medications online. You will be pointed out and guided by green-blue buttons.
We do this in multiple levels from the simple to the complex, so you only have to dig as deep as you want.
Annoyance? Praise? Suggestions? You now have the opportunity to comment on our work.

You are in good hands

We evaluate the achievement of our commitments by continuously measuring our quality. We are EQAM certified and for our innovative way of providing primary care we have been rewarded with the santeneXt innovation award.




Interprofessional teamwork


Collaborate in an interprofessional team....

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