Spoken Languages: DE, EN, FR, IT, ESP, POL


Hauptstrasse 42, 6315 Oberägeri

Nicole Müller

Medical Assistant EFZ
Vaccination counseling, Bach flower therapy
on referral from a general practitioner
my job

About me

Position: Medical assistant, vaccination consultations, Bach flower therapy

Languages: German, English, Italian knowledge

Education & Training:

2019 Training vaccinations

2019 Advanced training infusions

1996-1999 FREI'S Schools Lucerne, Training Medical Assistant EFZ

2020-2021 Annual vaccination education through the SVA, Professional Association of Medical Practice Assistants.

Work Experience:

Since 2018 Practice Dr. E. Schalch / Gesundheitspunkt Oberägeri, Medical Assistant

2002-2015 Member of the Emergency Organization of Ct. Zug

2014-2016 Practice Dr. Beck, Menzingen, Medical Assistant

1999-2010 Practice Dr. F. and Th. Zogg, Zug, Medical Assistant (+ 2013-2014 and 2017)

2011 Practice of Drs. med. Bassand and Scheibler, Pratteln, Medical Assistant

2011 Practice Dr. Zäch and Dr. Rechsteiner, Unterägeri, Medical Assistant