Spoken Languages: DE, EN, FR, IT, ESP, POL


Hauptstrasse 42, 6315 Oberägeri


Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing common non-communicable diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, bone loss (osteoporosis) and back pain, as well as certain cancers.


In general, exercise is defined as "any form of movement that requires muscles to be tensed and increases energy expenditure compared to rest." This definition includes any area where exercise takes place, during leisure time - where most athletic activities take place - at work, in and around the home, or on foot and with muscle-powered transportation.

Do something for body and soul

The best way is in a circle of like-minded people! The Aegeri Valley is rich in opportunities on the hills, on the water, indoors, etc.. Join in!

Any increase in physical activity will add benefits to your health.
Physically active people live longer. They are also mentally fitter in old age and require less care. Exercise also has a positive effect on psychological well-being and quality of life. In children, regular exercise improves fitness, mental well-being and bone health, and has a beneficial effect on body weight, cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk profiles.

No matter what you do for your fitness, just do something!