Spoken Languages: DE, EN, FR, IT, ESP, POL


Hauptstrasse 42, 6315 Oberägeri

Public services

Community services are services that we at the GPO provide in "our spare time," so to speak. There are public services prescribed by law (e.g. emergency service), then public services which are prescribed by law for municipalities or institutions and which we carry out on their behalf (e.g. school doctor, home doctor) and thirdly public services within the framework of integrated care conceived from the patient's point of view (e.g. multilingual website, assumption of medical responsibility and involvement in the cardiac emergency group, training of junior staff, etc.).

Small cause - big effect

The provision of public services depends to a large extent on the necessary and also prescribed competencies and licenses, such as a teaching license or moderator training, and the willingness to acquire such competencies.
This is not a banality, because: Access to family doctor models with premium benefits is guaranteed for patients from the Aegeri Valley as long as the local medical profession participates in the quality work in quality circles prescribed by the health insurance companies -> these must be organized and led by a trained moderator, which we at the GPO inkl. Provide meeting location. If this is dropped, the "Berg"-physicians will no longer be approved to offer family medicine models.


Thanks to the public services provided by the Gesundheitspunkt, the municipality of Oberägeri and the residents of the Aegerital have at their disposal a modern integrated primary care system that addresses the problems of primary care (shortage of general practitioners, aging, overmedication, multimorbidity, fragmentation, inefficiency, etc.) and the municipal mandate of "prevention", respectively offering appealing services. The rapidly increasing number of patients shows that the Gesundheitspunkt is a need and that it enjoys the trust of the people in the Aegeri Valley. However, the business figures also show that primary care, which places the public good in the foreground, is financially subject to major risks, which could not be remedied in the current health policy environment within the framework of the TARMED contracts and which cannot be borne by the Gesundheitspunkt alone.

As part of our public service - and only here! - we continue to rely on the understanding, cooperation and financial support of the community of Oberägeri!

Praise? Annoyance? Suggestion?

Your opinion matters!